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Results of the Competition for the Best Ideas for Optimizing Production Processes and Costs in “Neftisa”

30 may 2022

     On May 25, the Company held a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council, chaired by Andrey Zarubin, Director General of “Neftisa”. The organizer of the STC is the Department of Company's Production Processes Optimization.
Andrey Zarubin began the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council with the announcement of the list of winners of the competition.
     The honorary first place was deservedly awarded to the co–authors, employees of “Belkamneft” JSC named after A.A. Volkov, Georgy G. Kuzmin – Head of Oil and Gas Production Department No.2 and Vladimir V. Morozov - Deputy Head of Oil and Gas Production Department.
     They received the highest award for implementing the idea of building a gas-filling compressor station. As a result, the cost of refueling motor transport decreased and it also became possible to receive additional income from the sale of gas to third-party PBX.
     The second place of the competition was taken by Kachimova Tatiana, Deputy Director General for Economics and Finance of JSC “Samarainvestneft”, who submitted an idea for obtaining state support in the form of preferential taxation in the Samara region. Its implementation will begin the application of a preferential property tax regime for the Company, and will continue for five years.
     Also, the second place for the idea of using high-reliability check valves in the production was awarded to Ruslan Sayfutdinov, the leading technologist of the oil and gas production workshop of the Untygeyskoye oilfield of “CanBaikal” LLC. The implementation of his idea for the introduction of high-reliability check valves will provide the Company with reducing the cost of completing the installation of an electric centrifugal pump with an additional check valve and reducing losses for draining liquid during turbine rotations.
     The terms of the competition provide for three prize–winning third places were shared by Evgeny Kostyakov, Deputy Chief Power Engineer of JSC “Samarainvestneft”, for the idea of introducing vertical-axial wind generators to ensure a reduction in electricity costs from external grid organizations and diesel power plants; Maxim Strelchenko – Deputy Head of the Oil and Gas Field for Oil Preparation of PIT SIBINTEK LLC for the introduction of the idea of multicyclone water treatment for the reservoir pressure maintenance system and the use of hydrocyclones, the implementation of which will lead to cost savings on major repairs of module sections, to stable water quality for injection into the reservoir pressure maintenance system, as well as to preserve and return the extracted oil to the preparation system, which will eliminate the injection of petroleum products and mechanical impurities into the reservoir; Babushkin Alexander – production technologist of “Uralnefteservis” JSC, for the idea of introducing an electric plunger pump installations into the operation, the implementation of which will increase the energy efficiency of oil production.
      According to the results of the competition, each prize-winner was awarded diplomas and cash prizes from the Company. More than 20 people received Letters of Thanks from the Company as the most proactive authors of ideas.
     The rolling Cup “The Best Team of the Year for Optimizing Production Processes and Costs” is awarded for the third time to the team of “CanBaikal” LLC.
Summing up, it is obvious that the competition is an integral part of corporate policy and an important link in the motivation system of the Company's employees, which contributes to the introduction of new technologies, increasing the prestige of working professions and production culture.
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