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JSC “Belkamneft” named after A.A. Volkov Launched Its First Gas Filling Station in the Republic of Udmurtia

4 february 2022

       February 2, 2022 at the production base “Khokhryaki” of JSC “Belkamneft” named after A.A. Volkov (a subsidiary of JSC “NK “Neftisa”) the first automobile gas-filling compressor station “BelkamMetan” was inaugurated.
      The opening ceremony was attended by Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Udmurtia - Viktor Lashkarev, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Udmurtia - Irma Matosova, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the UR State Council on Economic Policy, Industry and Investment, Head of the Deputy Faction “LDPR” - Timur Yagafarov and Director General of JSC “Belkamneft” named after A.A. Volkov - Dmitry Arsibekov.
      “2022 is a special year for us, our company turns 25 on April 30. It is very nice to start the anniversary year with the launch of such a significant facility. After all, this is a new direction in business for us,” Dmitry Arsibekov, CEO of the company, said at the opening ceremony of the station.
      He stressed that the construction of such a facility is very relevant for JSC “Belkamneft” named after A.A. Volkov. The company already has 31 units of vehicles running on gas engine fuel, and the company is going to convert another 51 units in the near future.
     Environmental protection is one of the priorities of JSC “Belkamneft”. Emissions into the atmosphere from such cars are five times less than from running on liquid fuel - gasoline and diesel. Also, gas fuel is almost 2.5 times cheaper than liquid fuel. And the resource of transport operation on methane also increases by 2.5 times.
     The construction of such facilities is carried out in the Republic of Udmurtia within the framework of the state program “Energy Efficiency and Energy Development in Udmurtia”. According to the Minister of Industry and Trade of the republic Viktor Loshkarev, since 2019 Udmurtia has been one of the 27 regions of the country that are included in the federal program for subsidizing the construction and development of CNG stations. According to the schedule, 25 such facilities should be constructed in the republic at the rate of 1 per 60 thousand people. Today 14 of them are already put into operation in our region. The program involves subsidizing the costs of investors incurred during the construction of CNG stations in the amount of 36 million rubles per object, as well as preferential conversion of vehicles to use natural gas as motor fuel at a discount of 1/3 of the cost of conversion work.
     The “BelkamMetan” gas filling station meets the highest standards and has the technical capability to refuel about four hundred and fifty passenger cars per day with eco-friendly and economical fuel, its capacity is more than four million cubic meters of natural gas per year. Thanks to the construction of the station there are 8 new vacancies opened.
     Refueling at the “BelkamMetan” CNG station will be available not only for the company's cars, but also for everyone's cars. Today, more than 1,000 gas-powered cars are already driving around the republic as part of the subsidy program.
     As a result of the implementation of this project, the volume of investments of JSC “Belkamneft” named after A.A. Volkov in the development of gas filling infrastructure amounted to about 82 million rubles.
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