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JSC “NK “Neftisa” is Ahead in the Fight Against Covid-19

24 january 2022

      Currently, experts are noting a new surge in the incidence of coronavirus caused by the spread of the omicron strain. A strong increase in morbidity among the regions of Russia was noted in Moscow. In this regard, the management of JSC “NK “Neftisa” decided to transfer 50% of the office staff to remote operation.
      In the summer of 2021, collective immunity was formed within the company due to vaccination. This was evidenced by the absence of positive PCR tests, which are conducted in the company on a weekly basis.
      This time JSC “NK “Neftisa” went ahead in the fight against Covid-19. Self-isolation is still one of the most effective methods of struggle given the speed of the spread of omicron. The company has created all the necessary technical conditions: employees who are transferred to remote operation have remote access to working personal computers configured. These measures help to preserve the health of employees and the continuity of all work processes in the company.

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