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Winter Fishing Competition in Komnedra JSC

5 april 2022

     Geologist's Day is traditionally celebrated in Russia on the first Sunday of April. On this day, all employees of the geological industry are honored and their role in creating a mineral resource base that contributes to the development of the country's economy is noted.
Komnedra JSC, a subsidiary of JSC “NK “Neftisa”, arranged a wonderful winter fishing competition to celebrate of this holiday in an unusual way by. Winter fishing is not only an event that brings pleasure and joy to fans of winter fishing, but is also an active, healthy vacation for the
whole family.
     Before the start, Yuri Denisov, Director of Komnedra JSC, addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech. He wished everyone good luck and noted that the warm weather pleased everyone that day, and gave start to the competition.
The participants were informed about the Rules and procedure of the competition and were instructed about safe fishing on ice.
     One by one holes in the ice of the lake Pisyaty have been drilled. People froze over each of them, waiting for a bite. Finally, the nod on the fishing rod trembled a little, and the lucky angler snatches the first trophy out of the water.
Meanwhile, on the shore, the guests of the event did not waste time in vain. In addition to enthusiastically watching the fishing, we were treated to delicious kebabs and pies with hot tea! They also arranged a real outdoor sports ground where they could demonstrate their prowess.
     Three hours allotted for the competition flew by, the judges impartially observed compliance with the rules of fishing. The results of the competition were as follows:
The main nomination "The biggest catch":
1st place – Ivan Vasilyevich Bobretsov, locksmith of RTI;
2nd place – Anton  Konchits, Deputy Director of Geology;
3rd place – Gladyshev Vladimir Alexandrovich, car driver.
     The nomination "The first fish caught", as well as the nomination "The first hole" went to the head of the security service Iksanov Alexey Alexandrovich. The winner in the nomination "The biggest fish" was the Deputy Director of Geology Anton Konchits.
All winners and prize-winners were awarded valuable prizes. Yuri Alekseevich Denisov thanked everyone who took part in the competition dedicated to the celebration of the Geologist's Day and noted that this day gave everyone a good mood, a charge of cheerfulness and
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