По общим вопросам: +7 (495) 901-22-22
Телефон доверия: +7 (916) 441 27 56


To the attention of our contractors and partners

JSC NK Neftisa informs on the uncovered facts of fraud connected with illegal use of the name of the company and its subsidiaries.

Some scammers create websites of defunct oil companies using information from the official corporate website of JSC NK Neftisa (https://neftisa.ru/). For example, one of the identified websites is that of SeverEnergia (https://sever-energia.ru). Biographies of feigned top managers and president of the company, information about the structure of the company and its subsidiaries have been fully or partially copied from the official site of JSC NK Neftisa. Another website – www.belkam-neft.ru - has the domain name similar to one of the company's subsidiaries – JSC Belkamneft named after A. A. Volkov. Its content is also fabricated by using borrowed information from the real website of the company.

On the basis of the above-stated JSC NK Neftisa declares that representatives of the mentioned companies and individuals who carry out negotiations on the supply of oil and oil products purportedly on behalf Neftisa, in fact, do not have such authority and pursue fraudulent purposes. JSC NK Neftisa is not responsible for commercial offers, transactions and other liabilities of these organizations and private persons.

Should you have any doubt about the eligibility of your potential partners, please, contact JSC NK Neftisa:

24 Korobeinikov lane, Moscow
+7 (495) 663-20-03

If commission of fraud is detected, please, contact law enforcement bodies at the place and the country of your residence.


18 july 2022

“Neftisa” Summed up Results of the Young Specialists Conference

08 june 2022

“Neftisa” is the Silver Medalist in the “Ecology Cup” Football Tournament

02 june 2022

Neftisa Participates in the International Technological Forum "Innovative Technologies of Subsurface Use as the Basis of the Economy of the Future"

30 may 2022

Results of the Competition for the Best Ideas for Optimizing Production Processes and Costs in “Neftisa”

24 may 2022

The Federation Council Discussed the Use of New Technologies in Oil Production

16 may 2022

The “Neftisa” Team Participates in the Corporate Relay of the Moscow Half Marathon

05 april 2022

Winter Fishing Competition in Komnedra JSC

08 february 2022

Results of 2021: JSC “NK “Neftisa” Maintained the Growth Rate

04 february 2022

JSC “Belkamneft” named after A.A. Volkov Launched Its First Gas Filling Station in the Republic of Udmurtia

24 january 2022

JSC “NK “Neftisa” is Ahead in the Fight Against Covid-19

19 january 2022

JSC “NK “Neftisa” Summed up the Results of Charitable Activities for 2021

All news