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Neftisa is actively involved in charity work and considers it to an important constituent of a socially responsible business.

Neftisa is actively involved in charity work and considers it to an important constituent of a socially responsible business.

Neftisa implements charity projects in the regions where it operates. When making business decisions, the company not only takes into account economic factors but also social and environmental ones.

See also

The company considers clean and safe production to be a priority as well as preserving traditions and the way of life in the regions where the company operates.

Initiatives in improving the quality of education and improving the preservation of cultural heritage make up a significant part of Neftisa's charity projects.

Neftisa helps build sports grounds for children and state-of-the-art health facilities

Neftisa enterprises pay attention to social issues in territories where they operate. In addition to traditional areas of charitable assistance, the companies provide targeted assistance when requested and conclude agreements with territorial authorities so that they can receive information on the need for assistance. In this way, Neftisa manages to participate in various social projects – from road repairs to holding city and village public events. The company's social programs are aimed at providing material support to veterans, seniors, and vulnerable sections of the population.


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Results of the Competition for the Best Ideas for Optimizing Production Processes and Costs in “Neftisa”

24 may 2022

The Federation Council Discussed the Use of New Technologies in Oil Production

16 may 2022

The “Neftisa” Team Participates in the Corporate Relay of the Moscow Half Marathon

05 april 2022

Winter Fishing Competition in Komnedra JSC

08 february 2022

Results of 2021: JSC “NK “Neftisa” Maintained the Growth Rate

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24 january 2022

JSC “NK “Neftisa” is Ahead in the Fight Against Covid-19

19 january 2022

JSC “NK “Neftisa” Summed up the Results of Charitable Activities for 2021

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